05:31:28 Why is @Tfmonkey banned from YT/X for promoting taking away women's rights, when JQ people aren't? It's a good question. Does this mean the Cathedral is run by women after all? Well, no.

Now I don't keep track of who gets banned from where, but I know the only two JQ channels I follow, got banned from YT: "The Red Elephants" and "Know more News".

However, they have X accounts. I heard about a "Lucas Gage", who''s banned from X, but I don't know the specifics.

So what's going on?


It does appear as if TFM is being singled out, especially when you consider the cyberattacks directed at his channels.
Is TFM on some special blacklist?

Personally, I don't think TFM is targeted for making Brie Larson smile. Likely, it isn't one thing in particular. All I can say is there aren't many content creators I found, who delve deep into so many key issues, who have a military background, give good advice and make solid predictions. All without shilling for any religion, group or psyop

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