I'll never understand why so many men fantasize about women as companions/equals. Isn't it much more fun to dominate them? Do you really need another person to hold your hand and protect you, or is it better to have someone at home cleaning, knitting and making dinner?
Sure, she won't sacrifice herself for you. So what? Maybe you shouldn't sacrifice yourself for her either, unless she's carrying your kids. Women are fine the way they are. Why did men screw it up by giving them equal rights?
In West Israel, it was a fatal sequence of world events:
1. Total abdication of control of your currency - 1913
2. Jews win WW1 - 1918
3. 19th amendment - 1919/1920
@Zeb Yes, sadly those generations of men determined the West's future and made it so their destruction was inevitable. Jews like the Rothschilds, were definitely funding the whole thing, it wasn't just women and weak gentiles. Do you happen to have links to articles that openly talk about the topic? If you don't that's fine, it's just so I save time searching for them.
@UncleIroh @Zeb Very nice, I'll look it up. Thanks for the suggestion.