
The real blackpill isn't finding out that almost all politicians are controlled by Israel, but that most people around you simply deserve to be enslaved. There's no "we the people", the masses embody the very system that hates freedom. Just by living near them, we doom ourselves to that same fate.

They say "divide and conquer" is the goal, but that's outdated. The normies are the enemy and the elites want you surrounded by them, living under their tyranny and being subjected to their weakness.

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@Based_Accelerationist true collective is retarded. Only individuals carry our civilization. Most are sheeps that are easily controlled by another slightly better sheeps and individuals invent create and maintain the society. Sadly we are losing in numbers

Because slightly better sheeps use sheeps to do their work and use them as their meat shields.

@Stahesh @Based_Accelerationist that's why you need to leave the herd.
1 become intellectually independant
2 become financially independant
3 become totally independant from society

@Stahesh Due to their very nature, individualists always lose in numbers, although that's part of what makes them strong. But yes, we were never this overwhelmed. There are simply too many people on this planet, mostly thanks to money printing and medical advancements, the two main things that breed weakness and collectivism. The pill is so pitch black, our best bet is Vaids.

@Based_Accelerationist I think You are just proyecting Boomers wrong choices. They are the ones that gives woman Rights in the first place and marxist in the Goverment took advsntsge of this.
THE boomer generation was the ones that condend humanity to slavery they Even fought agaisnt the good guys and celebrated recently.

@VeganMGTOW Firstly, women were given rights (including the right to vote) way before the boomers were born. I'm not protecting boomers, I'm just not scapegoating all of humanity's problems on them either. We were already headed for slavery before the boomers and even today we could turn things around if the majority wasn't weak and collectivist. The boomers were just born at the right time to do their share of damage and put the final nail in the coffin.

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