
Forget the wall goyim, Trump is going to build you a dome, an iron dome, but better. Now you won't have to worry about any missiles hitting your house in WW3, which will likely be occupied by migrants by then.

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An episode of the 1950s western TV series 'Trackdown' featured a snake oil salesman named 'Trump' who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world.

Trump is most likely a character written by script writers and not a real person like the other Presidents since at least as far back as the actor Ronald Raegan


1950s TV episode featured con man named "Trump" who wanted to build a wall

CBS News


@shortstories @Based_Accelerationist Trump was also a TV personality, His campaign is heavily based on Pat Buchanan‘s without the based aspects on WW2 (Pat rightly thought getting involved was a waste wrote a book on such) and the holohoax, Trump knew of him and was calling him a “Nazi” or something like that at the time. I’m not really a believer in “predictive programming” but Zion-Don being a controlled op false savior is almost a certainty in my mind.
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