If you are for individualism, you should be for depopulation.

The more abundant a resource is, the less value it holds individually. It's the same with people. We can afford to be weak, because we are so many.
Moreover, there isn't enough land or game to hunt for everyone. We have to mass produce food, vaccinate animals/plants, genetically alter them and force them to grow in unhealthy and unnatural conditions.
Quality, not quantity. We don't need more normies, regardless of their race.


Infectious diseases for instance, are an individualist's best friend, for nothing else punishes groups and promotes isolation to the same extent. So are government mandated vaccines. Preferable to war, that's for sure.

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I don't even bother trying to warn family or friends anymore.

@Mommy Most already made their choice on where they stand. Only try to warn the people you will want by your side and who are capable of listening.

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