Calling all gays of MGTOW.

We are mostly straight here, which isn't surprising given that most of us are here through dealing with shitty women.

I look at my old blue-pilled simp ways and also the way some young guys carry on with women, and it's like being an ex-alcoholic watching a room full of drunks.

Since faggots can never be glamored by pussy, is there a general gay view on female nature?

Genuinely interested in answers.


@UncleIroh Judging by how most gays (especially bottoms) emulate women's behavior, I'd say they're favorable to female nature. To them it's probably a symbol of status and power over men, for they too wish they could be treated like an entitled princess who gets whatever she wants. There's little else they crave more.

They're also group thinkers that tend to be extremely subversive and greedy. In many ways, they're like Jews and they're definitely not straight men's allies.

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