
Isn't it ironic that the people keeping this anti-male, anti-freedom and anti-individualism system afloat, are neither women, Jewish nor welfare sponges?

It's men, it's the average "not my problem"/"just following orders" schmuck. Not only do they accept the slavery, they enable it everyday.
Those who think they were "brainwashed" haven't interacted with them enough. Their passive-aggressive nature and subversive behavior is genetic to some extent.

So who's the real enemy here? Not big pharma.

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@Zeb The government is a mirror to the people, even a corrupt one.

If everyone sells their labor to the highest bidder, with no concern for long term effects and puts profit before values, why should the government be any different? Why shouldn't politicians accept Jewish money and screw their own spineless people? If we're too weak to fight against corruption, why should anyone do it on our behalf?

We're all corrupt and amoral, top to bottom and we will get the punishment we asked for.

But if you take away the absurd power the government has today of enforcing and crushing anyone for the dumbest of reasons and let things run according to their nature, the problems solve themselves.
Very limited government is the answer, remove its claws from everywhere.

@Zeb Not unless you also replace the majority of the population. If you removed all the politicians and the technological systems they use to control you, you'd still be left with millions of people who put safety over freedom and are eager to submit to the group for comfort and protection. They'd quickly vote their way back into a system that hates them all in the name of "free stuff".

Government won't stay limited if you don't have freedom-loving men willing to physically keep it in check.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb

It's way simpler.

80-some years of being top dog, material abundance, no major threats, we eat well, we have electricity, internet porn and cars.

No-one's going to do "the thing" while that's true, that would be insane.

As for genetics, just as domesticated pink pigs turn into fucking huge, hairy, tusked feral monsters when released back into the wild, so will we.

Politics is about containment, keeping us fed to stop our inner John Wick from going savage.

@UncleIroh @Zeb You're right about that. But sadly, even before porn and electricity, the peasants were already experts on "just following orders" and doing whatever tyrannical governments say. Look no further than the British empire for instance. Even without this digital golden cage, humanity was leaning towards collectivism.

I hope we get to see a future where collectivism is punished (maybe with deadly mRNA vaccines?), but only time will tell if we'll be that lucky.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb

Sounds like your issue is more with human nature than it is with politicial systems.

Socialism and communism is evil, but nationalism is also collectivism and that's a positive.

Old soviet Russia and it's satellites went through (((bolshevik))) hell and barely survived. They emerged bruised but wiser.

The "Mother Russia" story and the Russian language is the glue that allows Russians, Chechens, Tajiks, etc to live together. That's positive collectivism.

@UncleIroh @Zeb To an extent yes, but I refuse to call it "human nature" as it's not universal. Sure, collectivists are the majority. However, there are enough people out there who are incapable of blindly following the group, even if it's by far the safer and more financially rewarding option.
Just like the native Americans that couldn't be broken and enslaved to the degree other people could, some humans have different instincts that might become the norm in the right circumstances.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb

I think I get it. There's some percentage of every population that is like that. The clotshot was the most recent test for that.

Entire populations don't behave that way though, & you wouldn't want them to either. You really do need sheeple to build a civilization. Too many based people just fucks things up for everyone.

In the end I've had to accept that normiefag-world does NOT actually belong to people like me, & remaking it in my image would be a disaster.

@UncleIroh @Zeb I agree we need both, but we've killed too many and destroyed their smaller groups/cultures throughout the centuries, individualists are outnumbered at least a 1000 to 1. Imperialism and globalism wiped out individualism.

The only way humans won't evolve to become an ant-like colony of individually weak NPCs at this point, is if the balance is restored and these sheep leave the gene pool somehow, otherwise collectivism WILL become human nature for good. No future is worse.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb

On that we can agree and on that, it's why I subscribe to TFM's pov that TWRA is not only required, it's inevitable.

However, I come to the same pov from a Christian worldview, specifically an Orthodox Christian worldview which is strictly patriarchal & puts men, women & children in a clear deontological hierarchy.

The entirety of Western Christianity, all of it, needs to go. It's all heretical and we're all reaping the whirlwind of that bullshit.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb

Also, on your specific point about restoring the balance, this is also inevitable. I see no future that does not incur pain and bloodshed. The bill must be paid and no family can escape unscathed.

When you fuck with the ground ontology of what it means to be a man, woman, child, or family, this outcome is inevitable.

If we get to the point where our disagreements come down to men arguing about which patriarchal system is best, that's a big fucking W in my book.

@UncleIroh I too am expecting pain and bloodshed, but there is no guarantee they won't lead to slavery. Imagine the West faces a complete defeat and is annexed by China, through the UN. Well, no need to change course at all, the UN was already planning for the West to become China. Sure, you'll have patriarchy, as in the ruling class will be mostly men, but it'll be a dystopia all the same.
I don't care if men are in power, I just want to live freely, that's the only W that matters in my book.

@UncleIroh I'm not concerned about patriarchy at all, because women are a non-factor, they weren't even the ones that gave themselves rights. TWRA is inevitable, as long as the weak are culled, that's what I'm worried about.
Hell, I'd take a fictional matriarchy (would never work in real life) if it meant collectivism was destroyed and individualism/freedom were promoted.

Sadly the West is irredeemable and the East, China specifically, is the model for the Cathedral. There are no good options.

@Based_Accelerationist The time to fight corruption was 120 years ago. FDR was corrupt, the states fought him, and they lost. Corruption has won.

Now it's time to be corrupt against corruption. Find the corruption that benefits you and your cause and make use of it.

@Mongoliaboo Yup, I won't entertain any talk of "honor", or legalities, when we're living in a dystopia. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who tells you to remain peaceful and that "there are good men and women serving in the military/police" are controlled op who will stand in the way of our freedoms.

Now, by this I don't mean we should join any "reactionary" groups either (especially on the internet) because they're mostly all infiltrated and that's not currently a viable solution anyway.

@Based_Accelerationist It's "not my problem" until you stand up for yourself, then all of a sudden it is their problem, and they attack you.

I'm doubtful it's genetic. This is what women raise their sons to be. White knights are an army that is loyal only to women, jointly and severally. This is what happens when you take men's authority away.

This is white culture. Every white country is like this, and the brown ones not so much. Your typical white man is the person you're describing.

@Mongoliaboo Exactly. Threaten their job in the slightest and it's THEIR problem. We all experienced this during their pandemic, so there's no denying it now.

I've seen enough men defy their upbringing to know that genetics play a part. There is a shortage of masculine fathers to teach their sons, don't get me wrong, but that's not all this is and I know it from experience.

Calling it "white culture" is reductive. Asians are like that. Collectivism is great in war, that's why we're like this.

@Based_Accelerationist @Mongoliaboo The estrogens in dairy is what makes these people slavery enforcers

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