France just elected a far-left national assembly.

It's so over :SHHHEEEIIIITT:


@Wopu Nice. Anyone but that Le Pen Israel loving controlled opposition.

Is it over for France and the rest of the EU? Yeah. Is it over because of the result of some theatrical elections? No, it's over because the US (Israel) conquered them through NATO. And yes, the French are going to get replaced by migrants. But who cares? Not the French, they'll keep bending the knee, so I don't care if they're replaced either. Let's hope the migrant men have more testosterone.

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@Based_Accelerationist I mostly counted on the odd that the Far Right gets French troops away from Ukraine so that there is no further escalation and my family isn't exposed to possible nuclear strikes if NATO pushes Putin's buttons.

But I guess the only way to not having Communism is to go through it first. I hope not to face a Victor Frankel scenario but if I can't save my family, at least I can save myself.

Fais chier...

@Wopu @Based_Accelerationist this leaves only one way out for the french people... Nice, hope they find their balls.

@Wopu Yeah, sucks that they're going to destroy France. I had hoped they would depopulate mainly through mRNA shots, as that would've been a much nicer selection, but oh well, WW3 it is.
Nothing we can do against the 99% other than distancing ourselves from them.

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