
Rest assured, "we" are NOT winning. The globalist agenda hasn't stopped because of Russia/China. They're still pumping more vaccines, they're still replacing you with migrants, poisoning your food and even trying to block out the sun, And why would they stop? China is the model for the "Cathedral", they're not going to dismantle the UN, this is the plan.

The "Cathedral" didn't destroy itself because they're retarded, they destroyed the West because that was always the goal.

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Klaus Schwab isn't in hiding afraid of Russia and China either, he retired probably because he's old and sick, the World Economic Forum is still owned by his family and will continue existing. He's not the mastermind anyway.

Additionally, Chabad Lubavitch Jews claim they own Putin and control the economy. Plus it's illegal to deny the holohoax in Russia. But how great is it, that they're arming everyone who hates the West, am I right? I think we can all see how this is going to end.

@Based_Accelerationist Most of these will just sell their stuff in the west and will go to Russia or BRICS members and start investing or creating companies there,

Because they do not care if they start to lose money they just change sides.

@Based_Accelerationist BRICS members Like Russia and China do not care much about west.

Their main goal looks like waiting for west to fall. They just play long game because they know in the long run they will win without direct war with west.

So they mainly strenghten themself and boost ecomonic trades with BRICS members

@Stahesh Yes, Russia doesn't want WW3, they'd much rather if the West dies without taking anyone else down with them, but that is NOT going to happen. The West, controlled by the "Cathedral", is being ordered to provoke Russia until they nuke each other. That is the plan. That long term strategy of killing the West like the Soviet Union, won't be allowed to happen.

So the question is, who will be left standing once all is said and done? Not the West and probably not Russia.

@Stahesh Absolutely, if anyone survives, it will be them, because they're everywhere and play both sides. The only question I have, is if they're willing to let Israel burn, to accomplish their goal.

@Based_Accelerationist They will kill everyone and destroy everything if it is in their interest.

Because there often attack their side if it help them reach their goal

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