Many people are calling out the assassination attempt on Trump as a staged event to boost his image and cult following. Most of them are leftists, which isn't surprising as the Left never liked Trump.

What is surprising, is how much the media is attacking them, they've even started calling it BlueAnon! And of course, the Right-wing controlled opposition is taking full advantage. After all, the mere idea that this one assassination might have been staged to some extent, needs to be shut down!!


It needs to be shut down because if people think the Trump assassination was staged then they might start thinking most of the deaths by mass shooters on the news are staged also, the moon landing footage was a hoax, and Covid 19 and the Holocaust were staged also and that nobody died in September eleven because it was just controlled demolition of a evacuated building with a CGI airplane and that the 2023 October invasion of Israel was staged


@shortstories Maybe, but I think you're expecting a little too much from normies, connecting dots isn't their forte. They just see Trump as the devil and this wouldn't change their minds that much, most already think Trump staged it anyway. On the other hand, getting called conspiracy theorists by the MSM might desensitize them to such theories.

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