If you understand what dialectics are, then you understand why they have arranged a political battle between Good Black Woman™ vs Evil Old White Man™ with the pieces left on the board.

If Evil Old White Man™ won't actually die from assassination, then he at least needs to die symbolically. And be humiliated as much as possible in the process by "losing" again in November.

It's the same as what they've done to Star Wars & Indiana Jones but IRL.


@UncleIroh Assuming that's true and the assassination wasn't staged, there are only two possibilities: Either Trump is really stupid and doesn't know the narrative he's pushing benefits the people who profit the most from his death (war with Iran), OR he knows, but is being forced/blackmailed to play the role of a martyr.

Neither make much sense, Trump isn't stupid and definitely not on that level. And if he's being threatened, then he is the best actor the world has ever known, bar none.

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