Men who repeatedly complain about women and act as if they're the main cause of society's problems, are VERY misguided.

Women haven't changed, they've always been like this and that's a GOOD thing. Women are the shit test of mankind. If the men are too weak and pathetic to stand up for themselves, then we need women to destroy their soyciety from within and replace the weak men with foreigners.

Why would you want high birthrates when the men are compliant worker drones enforcing tyranny?

@Based_Accelerationist - It's a fair point. At the end of the day, men's problem is other men - those enforcing the gynocracy.

And that problem is very much out of hand. So... wait for those men to perish, at least to a suitable extent that they can be confronted on more even terms, and we learn a very expensive lesson for the rebuild.

We should drop Christianity, and play our part for the ages in the meantime. 🍻


@YoMomz That's the plan. I thought the jabs would've made a bigger difference, but at this rate it seems inconsequential, given how close WW3 appears to be.

Let's hope we make it, the few who value freedom over safety.

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@Based_Accelerationist - I genuinely think our odds are better than average, because we're willing to see our reality for what it is, regardless of how ugly/depressing it may be.

And the key to navigating reality successfully (resulting in survival these days), is to see it accurately. 🍻

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