Americans used to ridicule the Chinese for being too weak to resist tyranny, but now Americans have found out that they are cowards, too.

As long as men depend on women to reproduce there cannot be freedom.

@dwarvenallfather Women aren't the ones enforcing the tyranny, they didn't even give themselves rights. HOW does any of this depends on women?

If we had a fully-functional artificial womb, what would change? Countries like China and the US would have an endless supply of worker drones, so they would depopulate us faster? Men are the problem and more of them won't make things better.

No men aren't the problem, men aren't holding a knife to the throat of the species.

@dwarvenallfather If you prevented your wife from voting, if you tried to stand up to the system in any way, WHO will knock on your door and physically force you to spend time in jail, a man or a woman?

If women are the ones "holding the knife", then what you're saying is women are stronger than men lol.
Women don't force anything, they can't. Admit it, men are the problem and low birthrates are the solution.

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