"Argentina’s Security Ministry has launched an artificial intelligence unit that it says will predict future crimes and help prevent them.”

Oh look, more tyranny! And this time it's coming from the obvious controlled opposition Javier Milei, that EVERYONE in the Alt-Right hypes up as a hero.

How long until people understand that Trump, Milei, Putin and every other one of these right-wing heroes are Jewish puppets?


@Based_Accelerationist Isn't it funny how AI is so useful to tyrants, and fucking useless for people trying to escape tyranny?


@Mongoliaboo Indeed, if it was more useful to us, they wouldn't give us access to it. AI will not only become the primary tool of their slavery but it will also replace us in time. Westerners had a chance to fight against this takeover, but they chose to stop the Nazis instead. Well, they get what they deserve, all these "just following orders" drones will be replaced by actual robots.

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