If you didn't know already, Jews want you to convert to Christianity and say that "Christ is King".

This is the ancient secret to Jewish success, lead the opposition and let the shabbos goy do all the work for you.



If they want to convert people to Christianity then why do Kikes

Try to ban Christmas

Try to ban the name of Jesus

Try to ban Christian Proselytization

Literally have the name Kike because the refuse to sign a cross shape and choose to sign a circle instead

Say that Jesus was rightfully killed in the Talmud and is boiling in excrement and semen in hell

Call Jesus mother a whore who had sex with pantera

Deny that Jesus is God manifested in the flesh

@shortstories B-but if Dems and Reps all work in tandem, why do they call each other names, put each other in court, incite hatred among their followers, etc. etc. etc.

Do you not know how controlled opposition works? We've been through this, Jews don't want you to spread Jesus in their groups, that poison is for the goyim. Which is why they hated Christianity when it appeared. And not all Jews understand this, they just read the passages about Jesus and that's it.


@shortstories Literally all your points have been explained extensively by myself in the past and many other people, some of them rabbis lol. You should watch KnowMoreNews with Adam Green, he shows you the clips where Jews explain their hate-love relationship with Christianity/Jesus.

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