@GhostLiberator @freepatriot @eriner

No, Jews are not bad. The Jew Kux Klan is bad. Many Jews are just as much a slave to the Internationale as you are. A racial supremacist cult has appropriated the name of all Jews, using their social perception as a shield for supremacist criminality. But to say "Jews are bad" is to fall into the trap laid by the supremacists.

You should say, "Free the Jewish people from the supremacist cult leaders."


@GhostLiberator They're pushing the "It's not the Jews", it's actually (insert random bullshit) narrative.
The people who claim this are almost always Judeo Christians, who want to pretend their Torah/Old Testament is A-Okay and the "real Jews" are cool. In fact, some of them claim they're the real Israelites, because don't you know, white people's holy land is in the Middle East. At least this one admits Jesus is a Jew (a Jewish construction rather).

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