
How many times have we heard Halsey gloat over western men (brainwashed by Jewish propaganda) cutting their dicks off or Israel blowing up Hezbollah soldiers' genitals?

It's well-known that Jews have an obsession with men's privates, so this isn't too surprising.

Except this time it was Netanyahu's turn, as doctors had to remove his prostate:

If I don't hear a "Bibi cut off his pee pee" next wednesday, then I'll know no one on the show has any balls.

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@Based_Accelerationist Fuck that Halsey dude! In my opinion you are the best Mossad agent. Don't worry about your end-year summary report. One day you will be the head of Unit 8200 and the Hasbara fellowship.


@CaseOh @Based_Accelerationist

stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission

It is a symbolic surgery Benjamin Netanyahu will not submit to a higher power because Benjamin Netanyahu in his own mind is the highest power so he does not prostrate

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