Am so glad the Jews are geocoding the Muslim and kicking the Christians out of the gene pool, this all shit showed that the Christians are just the Jews bitches and Islam is weak and stupid.

i mean they were given Israel, the jew did not bleed for if, i don't care what fucking Halsey say and the bots in this piece of shit site say, the Jew used the Christians to get Israel back and later the Christians, like the little bitches they are, got on their knees and sucks the Jew dick.


@RodrickSage Christians did everything if you think about it. They collapsed Rome, they destroyed European culture and replaced it with Judaism for gentiles. They ended white's racial unity, they colluded with Jews for centuries, defeated the Nazis and delivered the world to their god's chosen people.

All Jews had to do was conquer whites on a spiritual level and they became their shabbos goy for eternity.

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