@basedbagel the thing that bothers me is he initially named his stream 'The problem with MGTOW creators' but then changed it shortly afterwords.
TBYS is doing an Idubbz by attacking the very people that got him to where he is.
It's fucking snakey. If this guy ever wants to come back to the community - you know once Britni breaks his heart, let's not welcome him back in, because what his done is treason.
Thanks for sharing that @Brianhere
I didn't even know about name switch up.
That is so fake but im not surprised as mgtow in a youtube naughty word.
TBH I don't like the comparison while it is accurate because Idubz to me always came across as a corny insecure dork.
I'm sorry but flying cross-country to say racial slurs to a bitch was cringe af.
At least TBYS had some substance to his content before he sold out.
I agree we shouldn't let him back in either. I'm done with TBYsimp