@Tfmonkey I don't disagree with anything you said about FGO. I stopped playing years ago because I realized it's boring, repetitive trash & couldn't unsee that. The reason I hate gatcha trash is because of what they did to the industry. Once upon a time people revolted over horse armor in oblivion. Then overwatch normalized lootboxes in non-free2play games & nowadays we have "microtransactions" in single player games (Ubisoft) instead of cheat codes. Lot of companies I don't buy from anymore.

@ButtWorldsMan I will never play Age of War or Battlefront due to the greed of putting microtransactions in fully priced games. Free to play games are fine as long as they aren't gated. You can play FGO in its entirety without spending a penny if you just have a little patience, and there is no PVP or leaderboards, so you play at your own pace.

Some people just don't have any impulse control.

@Tfmonkey I heard something ridiculous from you and looked up Yu Mei Ren lancer and as suspected she's a gift servant for the summer event. You said she's NP 5? That shit for non-gift servants is insane. The assassin version is a regular 4* so good luck trying to max her out. That's a 3% drop rate? I've seen some shit. It can get ugly (SQ wipe, no waifu drop).

I stopped playing but still follow the FGO porn. Yu Mei Ren has some good stuff. Has the college girlfriend vibe.

@ButtWorldsMan Yeah, her lancer version if a free event servant, so completing the event 100% gets you NP5 automatically. I have Assassion Yu Mai Ren at NP2 and she'll have on a rate up banner in a couple of months, so I'll try to snag 3 more copies of her and max her out.

@Tfmonkey Something to keep in mind is once you have a powerful servant at NP2 you've given them the most powerful upgrade already. From 1 to 2 is a 30% damage boost to NP. The rest is diminishing returns. Just keep this in mind for other gold servants you have. Might help for combat strategies.

@ButtWorldsMan I'm mostly just trying to max out Yu since she's my waifu doppleganger. I have a few good servants that I'll level level (i.e. I grailed Saber to 100) but I'm not really interested in collecting anyone or maxxing them out after that.

@Tfmonkey Cool. Also, siegfried fucking sucks.

Enjoy the rest of your monday.

@ButtWorldsMan Yeah, I have him at NP2 and he is still worse that Caesar, who isn't even rare.

Caesar is actually surprisingly good. They made him joke fat character, but yeah, he's better that Siegfried.

@Tfmonkey Siegfried is an AoE focused on dragons. Caesar is a 3 star (easy to NP 5) who attacks a single enemy.

Damn his NP is better than I remember.


>Caesar in game lore is a smooth talking deal maker with a hot supermodel wife who's loyal to him

More likely than you think.

@ButtWorldsMan Caesar didn't cuck out either, so he's basically a better version of Trump.

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