@Tfmonkey I know you like your shitty pixel boomer rom games, but what about games from the golden age of vidya (1990- early 2000s)?

System shock remake is out and very faithful to the original.

@Tfmonkey So what you be sayin is

You're never paying money for another video game ever again.

@ButtWorldsMan My steam library has 336 games in it, so I do pay for videogames when they're a few years old and 75% off or so.


@Tfmonkey this is the most correct and responsible way to participate in the hobby nowadays. Don't buy day 1. Let them fix the game, because it's almost always released broken. Play old games, because they'll be cheaper and all patched up, and you'll have the complete edition, since the dev released all the cut content they charged money for.

I'm an enthusiast, so I don't always follow these rules of thumb. I do play older games and mod the fuck out of them to squeeze more fun out for free.

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