The exploration in Starfield is WORSE than in No Man's Sky. How fucking embarrassing, Todd. Bethesda is an embarrassing company.

Calls the game a cure to his insomnia. Hey @Tfmonkey look Bethesda came up with a game so boring you'll be snoozing in no time.

@Lorgar @Tfmonkey It's just a bethesda game with shittier exploration. In skyrim you can run in emptiness but always discover something as you explore, even if it's a repetitive location. In Starfield planets are procedurally generated wastelands with maybe one point of interest if you land in the right spot and the getting to it requires MINUTES worth of running. No vehicles. Only play the vanilla game to see what mods had to fix.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I am playing Baldur's Gate 3 right now and I previously played Elden Ring.
Those games are epic.


@Lorgar @Tfmonkey Correct. If a game is going to demand tens of hours of your time, it better be a good fucking game. I avoid Ubisoft as a result.

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