Hol up, I need to argue with this meme for a sec.
It would be a GANG of niggers. Not a tribe. Maybe it could even be a Floyd of niggers, I don't know. But if the gangrape is done by woo woo woo feather indians, then it's a tribe.
If they were dot indians then I'd call the rape as being done by a toilet of indians.
@UncleIroh that image is the human equivalent of when some chink company rips off and steals the design of a successful western product, then sells that product back to the west at a lower price, and succeeds at stealing market share.
It's the exact same market dynamics as white milennial feminists outsourcing their only value to hawt gook bitches for passport bros.
The collective noun for a Chinese, I mean Amreican, rape gang is an "Olympiad".