
Breaking news: one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet fucked around and found out.

For the uninitiated: Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) was in ukraine when russia invaded. He then proceeded to caress Putin's nuts PUBLICLY as ukraine kept signaling to him in many ways to shut the fuck up. He stayed and didn't shut up. Literally all he had to do was wash Putin's taint AFTER leaving ukraine. He did not.

Now he's dead because he's a dumb fucking retard.

Rip retard bozo

If only he put the collar on himself and train the bad doggy to stop pissing all over ukraine's carpet. Gotta go outside first.

He is the author of the stupidest escape attempt to ever exist.
He published online he was running away from the border to the ukranian border control kiosk to try to run away and when he got to it, he provided his real id after waiting at the queue and got arrested like a good goy.

America isn't sending their best.

@ButtWorldsMan Women want to be treated like dogs. Women want to fuck dogs. Therefore: Women=Dogs

@ButtWorldsMan I'll never insult someone for speaking their mind.
Sure, he was warned. Yes, it was obvious this would happen. There's no way he wasn't aware of the danger. That didn't make him a retard, it made him a willing martyr.

It's one thing to distance yourself emotionally from events, it's another to lack respect for the few men willing to die for their beliefs. Are we smarter than Gonzalo for laying low and bending the knee? Are we praising cowardice? Be a coward, live longer!

@Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan Gonzalo Lira was braver than he was smart. He should have stuck with the Ukrainians until he escaped the country and THEN told what he had to said once in Moscow. Or maybe just stay silent about the whole situation.
Goodbye, Ruby Teacher. You have a place of honor in my book. You were a light in the darkness, and a guide for many young men, snuffed out by tyranny and lies. May you shine eternally into the Empyrean!

@Based_Accelerationist @ButtWorldsMan As for those who would take joy or mock him, and those who are on the side of lies and tyranny, CHAOS is coming. Brace yourself for the worst is yet to come.

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