@ButtWorldsMan it hurts my brain to listen to this, & all the other conversations like it, knowing that it's not being held in a basement apartment.

@Fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan
It's healthy that with the internet the whole world can see how retard and stupid the "influencers" really are.

@Zeb yeah, but I'm just sick of overpaid retards in the mainstream.

@ButtWorldsMan I have had this experience, usually with women. The problem word is "if". Their brain can't process a conditional statement, so they think "if" is just filler, like "um". They just hear you say the condition and the consequence one after another, as factual claims.

@Mongoliaboo @ButtWorldsMan
Women can definitely process conditional statements and are very good at it. The difference is you believe she's thinking about the content of the discussion while in reality she's testing different words to see which one will make you give her what she wants.

Next time pay attention to the outcome of the "argument" instead of the actual content. If her standing got higher or she received something from you for free just reciting random words, she won.

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan They do that, too. But no, they're not good at processing conditionals. They can hardly understand sentences, they almost always get emotionally hung up on a single word. What are you smoking?

@Zeb @Mongoliaboo @ButtWorldsMan Thats why so many men are going mgtow

Its just not worth dealing with 'women'

They offer no real value or investment in time, energy, resources or oxgen


He acts like he can not understand hypothetical things

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