It is now definitive that secret service allowed the assassination attempt to go through. Case closed.

After Biden's disastrous debate performance, the regime got so desperate they finally called in the assassination gambit. They swung at the king and missed.

Let's see what happens now.


> They swung at the king and missed.

And by a distance measured in millimeters. What I saw was nothing less than a miracle.

Watching atheists and leftards go full BlueAnon and lose their minds over something that's so obvious to every religous person, and especially every Christian, just makes me laugh.


@UncleIroh as an atheist I'm happy to play along because it's fucking funny.

I found these comments in a Hasan Piker video.

The plot of Donald Trump has been declared necessary by the universe itself. He has been deemed essential to this timeline.


Haha, love it.

What you're seeing is physicalists and determinists losing their minds trying to find some explanation that accounts for the sheer improbability of events.

Even The Merovingian himself wouldn't be caught dead invoking "The Universe".

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