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Teefum put up the MC articles. Israel kiked it up with the hospital missile. They provided a video and then deleted it because it implicates them. They openly lied so brazenly about their attack on the hospital while blaming hamas.

This means to me the USS Liberty was absolutely attacked by israel. US soldiers were slaughtered by "friendly" fire and they (including US) covered it all up as a cope.

Israel is also doing a massive social media ad campaign for the war. Slimy slithering scum.

Public service announcement to niggers. The kikes are relaxed. I repeat. The human money vacuums are relaxed.

@Tfmonkey update. Current situation is described as a clusterfuck as israel scrambles to prep for invasion.

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@Tfmonkey Kikerael is turning me against them for their war marketing alone.

We're really seeing the same holocaust tactics again with the victim grifting.

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The bombings have begun. There won't be an invasion for another week. Gotta bomb everything first and gather the troops.

Video in next post


Trying to convince sargon right now this has nothing to do with moral concerns over the fucking holocaust. Or any morality at all.

Dont you fucking dare. What part of "genocide" was not understandable?

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