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The same people publishing the physical version of @Tfmonkey's book Lucas the Mucus, will be making a comic about the Panaman road block unblocker.

Title: End of the Road

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Oh it gets better.

"You're like being white n stuff it's triggering me."

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I propose we take all the bitches involved in this idea, strap them in a chair clockwork orange style, then force them to watch videos of women trying to fight men over and over and over until they're mind broken and submit.

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@Tfmonkey Regime corpo media gradually becoming more disfavorable toward israel. They are running stories and saying things israel would probably hope they wouldn't.

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Listening to the beanie boy talk about this and I had no idea this absolute Panaman legend was pure boomer testosterone. You'd probably get TRT therapy by drawing his blood.

When he got out of his car, he said, "This ends today." Then he had women arguing with him and he said he didn't want to talk to any hoes. He wanted to speak to men.

I can't support this man enough. True role model for our lost generation.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.