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@Tfmonkey: "i wonder how jew cum tastes. It must be amazing given the demand for it."

Jewish women:

That phrase is just for emotional support.
:israel: :israel: :israel: :israel: :israel: :israel:

She's done. Imagine a long cane appearing from the side of the stage and then pulling her off of it. Would be surprised if her corporate masters ever fund commie activities again.

Average @mrhorsetwat fantasy

Just kidding, he constantly fantasizes about putting buffets out of business by himself.

@Tfmonkey Here's that video of Shaniqua, Laqueesha, Karen, and La Gordita trying to arrest a nigger.

Blackpiller faggots be like: but muh jews muh jews muh jews muh jews muh pro US muh jews

My retard in christ, I think this guy is just trying to not be assassinated.

A stabber of peace killed children in ireland today. The potatoes are pissed. This comes at a time when "far-right" candidates keep winning and Israel wants to send all the dirty palestinian mudslimes to the west.

The tides are shifting.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.