@MrpoopyButhole That's the Haitian mating strategy. Supply vs demand.
@MrpoopyButhole still holding until i see WTI near 80 again. no K-1. No dick ayyyy.
@MrpoopyButhole I didn't know vito started a new one
>baby drinks explosive mommy milk
>rabbis start dancing
>radio in for a controlled demolition
>baby's foreskin explodes off its dick
@MrpoopyButhole my pager is made out of steel beams. Kikes can't melt steel beams.
@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey He did a flip into the giant pool on his yacht.
@Mongoliaboo for those not in the know, these images never get sexual. Dude just loves his cat and made a business out of drawing it as a cat girl doing cat shit.
@Tfmonkey your marine bros told you about your lord, thy god, pull ups. You didn't want to listen.
@Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey so he should have an entire show where the transcript is everyone saying "nothing ever happens" the whole time.