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You know, I thought maybe with all that's happening, Trump could win, but now I see the texas tranny shooter was an illegal who voted in 2020. At this point I'm 99% certain Trump can't win with an election this rigged after millions of criminal illegal scum were allowed in, and where ballot harvesters will just collect votes from illegals without them ever having to leave the public school they're camping in at that moment.

Why 99%? Because there's always a chance for things to get crazy.

The Houston police are on the case and have done a very thorough investigation into the perpetrator of this vile shooting by a tranny leftist.

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>free palestine
>shoots up church

Are there no fucking synagogues in Texas?

There is literally no excuse to ever send money to an onlyfans whore, or any e-whore.

You either google boobs and get 6 trillion results, or you prompt an AI to create new boobs for you and get infinite results.

🚨 Weee wooo weee wooo 🚨

Tucker interviewed Putin about the invasion, and the Roman Empire was brought up. All men think about the Roman Empire.

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My favorite part of the interview is Putin constantly replying "who knows or "I don't know" to questions us "conspiracy theorists" already answered.

This sly motherfucker definitely knows. I imagine the less he gives away about what he believes about the west's rationale, the more people will focus on thinking about it.

He also loved to redirect Tucker by telling him to talk to the people involved in America's decisions throughout Putin's leadership. You just know he knows.

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Getting 'nam flashbacks to the convos had about the nordstream explosion years ago on MMM.

This shit is so real it hurts.
@DoubleD @MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave

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Who's the stupid fucking fuck now, faggot? Hmm? What's that? I can't hear you on account of you being fucking dead.

It's like a Squid Game competition, but for gallons of jew cum.


If you go to asia, they won't simply think it, they'll say it.

They're going to fucking dance, you anti-semite filth. THEY'RE GOING TO FUCKING DANCE!

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.