Oh, I just got to the part of Wednesday show were he covers this in the show.


Manahel al-Otaibi had, ironically, been an early believer in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s promises of reform. In a 2019 TV interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, she described the “radical changes” taking place in the Saudi kingdom, including the dress code reforms, and said she felt free to express her views and wear what she liked on the basis of the Crown Prince’s declarations.



@CheshireHuman stupid, a good beat up would have worked better and they would not be down 1 woman to make babies.

@37712 Mabye not. This could be a great deterrent for other women and cause them to have more babies.

@CheshireHuman I take it back, now that I know more of that story, I completely support the 11 year sentence, I would even support a death sentence.

@CheshireHuman what have women done with freedom other than to fuck up society beyond belief in a quest to subjugate it to their gynocentric world view

@dictatordave I really makes you wonder what the men were thinking giving them the right to vote. Also, they didn't have a backup plan for when things went wrong.

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