Anyone else have a uncle that came back from Vietnam Nam Physically and mentally disabled happy Fourth of July the rest of you go fuck yourselves

@Scubbie did u tell him no refunds, boomer? And showed him the current state of pride parades, schools teaching anal exploration for 9 year olds etc?
Cuz that’s what he fought for. a fake gulf of Tonkin incident cuz Jews wanted to genocide a generation of amerimutts while they marched thru institutions and took over your country.
And in 69 murdered US sailors of USS Liberty and his own president LBJ recalled the planes enroute to intercept Yid fighters napalm bombing his sailors.

@Deuces What part of go fuck yourself did you not understand he didn’t know all that and he’s dead and I’m not a boomer dick weed


@Scubbie He didn’t see what his prev generation, his daddy accomplished by defeating one country and one man who tried to save Yurop? He didn’t see nogs destroying America?
No refunds. Faggot

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