Lol. Muh xenophobic, trad, honorary Aryans.
They rather open their borders, which they did years ago. And become London and swedan than tell their holes no. And btfo them back to the kitchen to breed babys

@Deuces @Tfmonkey They had a leader who told them to have children and they assassinated him for saying that.

@collappsar @Tfmonkey
This faggot? Word is he was a lefty sissy who wanted communism. Correct me if you know or you meant a diff sissy
Still tho. Moobement dont start from top down.
Did TaliBros need Karzai go ahead? No. They held their pimp hand high and btfo ISAF Zogbots and ANA which alone ran 450K strong.
Then they went into offices, banks, kicked holes out and banned holes from higher education. Then killed few Roastie cunts for a good example

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