Lol. Muh xenophobic, trad, honorary Aryans.
They rather open their borders, which they did years ago. And become London and swedan than tell their holes no. And btfo them back to the kitchen to breed babys

@Deuces @Tfmonkey They had a leader who told them to have children and they assassinated him for saying that.

@collappsar @Deuces we have no shortage of "leaders" telling men to marry and reproduce, but all refuse to address the issue of feminism and women's rights breaking marriage and encouraging women to murder their children

Telling men to get married in the West is like telling a homeless man to "just get a job".


Were you on gab? This name followed me. I got banned for shitting on GabNats and christcucks and torba faggot brother working as admin.

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Were you on gab? This name followed me. I got banned for shitting on GabNats and christcucks and torba faggot brother working as admin.

I got banned for mentioning that Andrew Torah's faggot brother was a Gab mod.

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