Barebells Protein Bars taste like straight up candy bars. I thought the Fit Crunch bars were good, but these don't even taste like protein bars at all. They taste more like Twix bars or 3 Musketeers bars.

They're not cheap at $2.50 each, even when you buy them in bulk, but god damn they are tasty.


@Tfmonkey it’s cute u still pretend ur local schlomo going about his day and runs a deli has nothing to do with overall kikery.
As he goes to the temple, listens to rebbe shit out Talmud sermons
Enjoy this thread from a Shapiro Jew getting bodied in the comments
All Jews endorse the Talmudic scriptures
(Even the "Jews against Israel") - they admit to it.
They just ain't too vocal about it
But they all practice it and that's the problem.
Fun fact. 65% ofYids actually approve goyim sodomy

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