FeedindaCat Cat of war
@Scubbie @southpole21 The app I'm using to draw (Procreate) has troubles making text outlines. This is a roundabout way to make it, but yeah, still kind of hard to read.
The TFM Movie
Sleep is for the weaaakkkkzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Rough frame by frame
poopoo peepee
Pippa da ripper,
Will colour it later.
Welcome to the Outback muthafucka! @VooDooMedic
@DicusMaximus Give them nothing, but take from them everything.
When @Tfmonkey argues with a TERF.
Metal Slug night: Fio & HD
McDonalds messed up the order for the last time.
Voodoo's b-day gift
Sad Panda.
Trying some Chinese Brush Art.
Based bad bunny
bad bunny
Behind the scenes of the TFM show.
Last night sketches
Snake's thoughts on gun waifu.
"Sometimes I worry about you @VooDooMedic "
A club for red-pilled exiles.