I'm of several minds about the burka vs a niqab vs a hijab.

Maybe a system of gradation depending on how mischievous a female is normally or how attractive she is would be good, perhaps? I'm not suggesting that any of this is enforceable-- think of it as helpful suggestions or guidelines.

No covering her up though, that is haram.

@DoubleD women cover themselves up because they want to. There not forced to. The amish don't force their women to dress modestly and yet they do. After they get old they are allowed to uncover their face. In America a lot of women don't wear a niqab and hey if you want a permiscuous female go for it. If you want a female that seeks other male validation go for it. I wouldn't marry a girl like that cuz her hear soul mind will be corrupted.

@Islamisright It depends on what you mean by "force". Some parents will enforce their daughters to wear various garments, and for adult females, it depends on the community. I know a Muslim communities that doesn't enforce anything that the females wear. My suggestion was to play with the intention of the level of modesty. I'm not speaking of my personal desires.

@DoubleD ohhh you don't like that parents parent haha you want permiscuous deviant women. The farther you get away from traditionalism and conservativism the more difficult you make your job as a husband brother father and the more they tear apart the family community civilization.


@Islamisright What? How did you get that from what I said? What I prefer is not what we're discussing here. I'm talking about what is effective and what is ideal for most people based on the effect choices have on society.

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