

@ButtWorldsMan If you read the actual report, it's unclear what happened. The most recent report I've seen said, "deputies determined that Kessler (the dead fellow) fell backward and hit his head, though they have received conflicting witness reports from attendees of both rallies about the altercation and ''who the aggressor was.''


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@DoubleD I saw Tim Pool cover it. The thing about "reporting" on this is that regime media and leftists, you know, the witnesses, will absolutely lie or downplay what happened.

Remember the nigger who drove through a parade in Wisconsin? How did the media report it? Car runs over families. Vehicle kills kids. They don't mention that the black driving the car killed them.

So in this story they say a guy just fell somehow and stuff happened and he hit his head after somehow falling.

@DoubleD This is a leftist assault against a jew and it's very much inconvenient to the progressive regime to tell people a palestinian activist attacked him and the old man fell over because of it.

@DoubleD Btw there's nothing wrong with replying to yourself to continue your thought like I'm doing here. Instead you're replying multiple times to the same comment so your reaction is split into multiple threads. Here my replies to you are in one neat thread.

@DoubleD just to be clear I give zero benefit of the doubt to leftists. None. How do you know they're lying for their agenda? Their mouth is moving.

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