@UncleIroh I love this side of Japanese culture. It is overflowing with wholesome moments just like this.

@UncleIroh To this point, I've been considering what is required for this type of attitude to surface in a family. I believe it must come from first a strong male figure from which emanates this kind of reassurance, whether that figure is a female's father, husband, social leader etc. Where males lead whether in action, attitude, or intention, there females follow, whether that is to weakness or to nobility. I'm certain there exist other factors, but this is my first inclination.


I've been on a dive into Shintoism and once you understand what it is, it answers many many questions about Japanese culture, anime plots and their attitude to things like this.

Since Shinto is animist, they believe spirits - kami - exist in everything from animals, plants & people to inanimate objects like mountains or roombas.

As they say, Japanese people are born Shinto, marry Christian, and die Buddhist.

I find Shinto to be a really unique and fascinating religion.


@UncleIroh I appreciate Shinto as well. It has given me a valuable perspective from which to draw.

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I recently read Hagakure, the biography of one of the last Samurai. Totally fascinating.

That whole Bushido creed along with an understanding of Shinto makes consuming Japanese culture (film, books, anime) way easier and way more enjoyable.

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