@Engineer No, if you had fucked the squaws, it would have had the opposite effect. If the dysgenic groups are winning and outbreeding you it's because you're not fucking their women, but allowing their men to fuck your women.

Also, feminism causing the middle/upper class women to have fewer children, while welfare promotes the women at the bottom to have as many kids as possible.

To conclude that "this is why you do not fuck the squaws" shows you don't understand the problem at all.


@Tfmonkey I 100% agree with you on feminism destroying and inverting natural selection. What I'm trying to illustrate is that fucking the squaws didn't work for South America and Mexico. There's a reason why these regions have sub-90 IQ's, and its because the Spanish did hybridize. There are in fact at least 4 sub-species of hominids on Earth, and hybridization's track record isn't much better than feminists track record. However this topic is too lengthy.

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