@Tfmonkey The crazy thing is, half a century ago back in the mid-70's the same Engineers that sent men to the moon built the most badass hypersonic missile system to intercept incoming soviet ICBM's. It was called the SPRINT system and it reached Mach 10 in 5 seconds from launch. It was deployed for two years and then cancelled and mothballed. All domain expertise is gone, the blueprints are lost, all the men that built it are dead. America decided welfare for shaniqua was more important.

@Engineer What if those missiles were a bluff and didn't actually work, and were propaganda and that's why the US couldn't replicate their mid-70s technology.


@Tfmonkey They weren't a bluff, there's multiple videos of them in operation, both high speed and real-time. The real problem is all the diversity in STEM (now its STEAM, the A is for Art). The reason they were mothballed is because the introduction of MIRV made them obsolete, each SPRINT missile only had a roughly 35% chance of successfully intercepting the ICBM. But we can't even make a hypersonic missile of ANY type today. America doesn't do science anymore.


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