
@Tfmonkey A smaller population group can overcome a group size that outnumbers them even 10 to one, power is not JUST a numbers game. Numbers can be invalidated, IF the larger population group has a considerably lower average IQ and the smaller group has a high enough average IQ to make WMD's. The larger group also needs to have the balls to bring back chemical weapons. Once the inner barbarian is brought out again, with modern technology, we will see some 40k levels of death via chemical war.

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@Lorgar @Tfmonkey Thats more bio than chemical. Regardless, so long as the smaller group has the balls and a high enough average IQ to setup a means of mass manufacturing and delivering chemical weapons, its GG. Power is not a numbers game, its a power game. Power comes in many different forms, including numbers, but also other variables. Timothy McVeigh was one man, and me eliminated over 300 feds. The gibberment may not be scared of AR15's, but ya know what everyone is afraid of? Bombs.

@Engineer @Tfmonkey it's true but please focus on surviving the collapse. This system is doomed anyway. Even a nuclear bomb wouldn't change anything at that point.

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