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@Tfmonkey Remember, its not actually about the environment and never has been. Its all just a part of intersectionality IE communism.

The law is just words on paper. Roll the law up and smoke it, if you're a sovereign you do what you want. (NOT to be confused with sovereign citizens, who want to have their cake and eat it too). Be more like Skeletor. Kick ass and take names.

The degeneration of western civilization had been ongoing since Constantine made the massive mistake to adopt slave morality.

Christianity is not a western religion. It is a religion from the middle east that is fundamentally afflicted with slave morality. Before Constantine, life wasn't fair and people accepted that it wasn't fair. Weakness was a cardinal "sin" whereas its a virtue in christendom.

@Tfmonkey Sex Robots have been in the making for a long, long time.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.