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@GrungeQueef @William_The_Dragonborn I'm just saying, if you spent more time studying math and science and less time jerking it to cartoons, you might actually get somewhere.

@William_The_Dragonborn @GrungeQueef Well maybe if based white people would stop beating their dicks to degenerate jewish and japanese pornography we could muster the energy and strength to build a spaceship to go back and do it again.

@LibsoftiktokBot Let the Streisand Effect take hold, and let this blow up in their face!

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Source: libsoftiktok

BREAKING: The Biden regime just banned a company from selling an energy drink depicting Joe Biden. They claim this depiction is “detrimental to national security and public perception” and it’s “in a manner that is misleading or inappropriate” and “poses a risk to the integrity of the office.”

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@Mongoliaboo Argumentum ad hominem. Come back with a real rebuttal. Until you disprove his arguments, Rabbi Yeshua is a pedophile child trafficker and kiddie diddler.

@Mongoliaboo I posted my source. Its over. Rabbi's are pedophiles (Who woulda think it?) including Rabbi Yeshua.

So today I learned the Rabbi Yeshua (AKA Jesus) was a child raping pedophile that masturbated the penis of a pre-pubescent boy to gather their semen to use as an ingredient in a psychedelic drug and he and the two men adjacent to him were crucified for trafficking children.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.