I don't believe the idea that men who don't get pussy are these dangerous beings that need to be controlled.

All this hype about the threat of incels and not a SINGLE crime has been committed in the name of dry dick.

It's just another excuse for them to take your freedom away.


@basedbagel It's less that than it is the trend of civilizations shows that large scale disenfranchisement of young men (unsurprisingly) makes for unstable environments. The able bodies that keep a system going becoming more willing to shift or remove a system that does not enfranchise them happens all throughout history, but most of the time they just take new rulers who enfranchise them at the cost of the rest. Not outright dangerous, but more malleable.

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Maybe so, but I'm looking at normie men who found out the gov murdered their family and I see no uprising.

All I see is tweets.

I think the they left out the fact that comfortable people simply don't revolt.

@basedbagel I do agree on the comfort part. The bread and circuses are far more lucrative and wide spanning now a days. Almost everything is made to dull the mind of men. It is insane to me just how much inertia is still left from this age of prosperity in the western world.

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