I'm still seeing normies talking about suing the gov and big pharma over the vax.

Why do people think suing will stop the gov from killing you?

How are they going to sue after a heart attack/VAIDS/Stroke?

We'll find out together!


@basedbagel I really have come to have an incredible disdain towards retards that think Lawfare does anything real and IF it does anything most of the time it is years later or is some short hearing that was so had SCOTUS had to see it. Something tells me the whole system is bad if some of these issues even have a remote possibility of needing SCOTUS decisions.

Just Dumb. I hate it.

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Exactly, people watch too many movies.

Lawfare is effective when the only thing at stake is money.

Not when your entire gov tries to KILL you.

You don't look for justice from the same people that tried to kill you.

One would think this was common sense.

As if the gov would implicate itself.

I don't know why Americans think suing is some magic bullet...

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