I stand alone in my political views.

Why I'll never be a republican:

Patriotism (Simping at scale)
Back the blue
The Draft
Women's rights

Why I'll NEVER be a democrat:
Sexual degeneracy
Openly Satanic
Basic Economics
Gun rights
Women's rights

They can call me alt-right all they want. I will NEVER support either of these nonsensical parties.


@basedbagel See so long as WR are taken away I can get behind a mandatory military service like Russia has that also offers volunteer contracts after the fact. Having men go through a filter of some sort is useful. Outside of that though I agree with the rest.

Ideally though on that Idea I do wish regions of states would do that instead of fed nat guard. More power to the states/groupings of them.

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@FinalDresdonation I think that's a reasonable point.

I just don't like the idea that the gov can send me off to DIE in a war I have no power to stop or start.

@basedbagel That's just politics at the end of the day. I'd feel more sound with a Standing Volunteer military, followed by volunteered reservists, and those still in a national service assuming I finished mine. I would not mind going to war or doing military service if I thought my Nation was worth a damn and it was a truly justified war.

I would say I lean more towards being orderly, but esp bow a days wars are just going to be extroardinarily bloody until modern projectile stocks get emptied

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