So, Tradcons get a lot of shit I've noticed. I'd still consider myself one. I am much more individually oriented as one though with my core tenants coming in the form of Strength, Self Sufficiency, and Ownership of oneself. Being religious, but being able to truly follow tenants and being selfless it requires those to be accomplished.

@FinalDresdonation I agree with your values.

The reason I don't like tradcons , (we call them tradcucks over here) is that anytime you mention taking women's rights away or solving the root of the problem they refuse.

They just say man up and get divorced and work for for a system at no benefit to yourself. Tradcucks these days want you to be a human sacrifice.


@basedbagel The difference is that they want to preserve a horrible ugly system. Which by my moral standards gives me great disgust and demeaning to do.

Self sacrifice to evil is just evil itself.

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