One of the few women I respected was Helen Keller.

Unlike most women she

1. Overcame a struggle
2. Produced something (books)

Well I just found out she was a commie...

Needless to say I no longer respect Helen Keller


@basedbagel To be fair the woman had no way of fully seeing or hearing well the beauties brought by capitalosm andnwould have likely had commies kn her ear. I am neutral and benign to her only because the best ways to tell communism and true meritocratic capitalist systems are the things they build. When you can't see or hear them. You can't appreciate them. Helen Keller gets a B Tier ranking from me.

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Nah she was able to read she just realized that without extensive social programs her existence was impossible so so became an outspoken commie.

No sympathy from me rhe only good commie is a dead one.

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